What to do when you can't find a client?
While delivering orders, there are times when you can't find a customer and his address. This may result in a loss in the quality of delivered orders, dissatisfaction and frustration, which can lead to the loss of the customer. Also, the courier-partner may have more than one order in his bag, so sometimes this situation affects more than one customer because the second customer may have to wait longer for his order.
We would like to share with you a few tips that we believe may help you if you encounter such situations.
1. Review the address the customer has provided on the order again: there may be additional details which should be noted
2. Take a look into the comments/observations section. Often customers leave an additional comment which can help you find the customer's address.
3. Call the customer. Our courier partners have the possibility to contact the customer by phone.
No need to contact the support team - contact the customer yourself!
In February 2024, we introduced conversations between the courier-partner and the customer. Have you tried it?
The chat will be available when you start the delivery and will be closed when the order is delivered.
You can see what it looks like in the illustration here.
🚨 Both you and the customer will have the possibility to report any inappropriate things - offensive, racist or abusive language 🚨.
Wolt investigates all reports of inappropriate behavior thoroughly and allegations, if found to be true, can have serious consequences for the partnership 🚨
4. If the customer does not pick up the phone and you can't find the address - only then you should contact our support team. They will let you know what to do next.
We would also like to share with you a translation of the main words, which customers usually use in their address details in baltic languages:
Aukštas/ = floor
Butas = flat/apartment
Vartai = gate
Laiptinės kodas = staircase code
Gatvė = street
Pastatas = building