How to get a successful self-employed certificate (Latvia)
1. Before starting economic activity (self-employment), you must register with the State Revenue Service;
2. When registering, the type of main activity (NACE2) must be indicated;

Economic activity can be registered in the "Dokumenti" section of the SRS electronic declaration system (EDS)

You can find the available registration forms in the list of documents by opening the "no veidlapas" option.

You can find the right form in section
"Nodokļu maksātāju reģistrācijas un datu izmaiņu veidlapas";
By choosing the "Nodokļu maksātāja (fiziskas personas) reģistrācija" form.

1. Choose directly the questionnaire, which is at the very top of the first list. It is called "Saimnieciskās darbības veicējs"
2. The other types of economic activity are not valid within the scope of the Wolt self-employed service agreement.
Then, when your self-employment registration is approved, you will receive a letter from the SRS, and you will also be able to find yourself in the taxpayer database: