Contract Types in Estonia
Natural Person contract
Courier partner is registered in the Tax office Employment Registry (EMTA) with a contract under the Law of Obligations (võlaõiguslik leping). That means you are not an employee of Wolt, but our partner.
Wolt pays income tax, unemployment insurance premium, contribution to funded pension (if a person joined the pillar), and social tax.
The gross amount of your earnings is shown in the Wolt Partner app. Courier partner receives the net amount to their personal bank account after all taxes have been paid by Wolt.
Company contract
The company, under which the courier partner is registered, will receive the gross amount in the company’s bank account. The company is then responsible for correct tax and salary payments. If the company is VAT registered, 22% VAT is added to the payout. If you expect to earn 40 000+ EUR in one year, you have to be VAT-registered.
If you use the LHV Entrepreneur account (LHV Ettevõtluskonto) please choose and sign a company contract. The gross amount will be transferred to the LHV Entrepreneur bank account and 20% income tax is deducted automatically. Wolt doesn't pay social tax and other taxes in this case.
How to fill out the contract for the LHV Entrepreneur account properly?
If you want to get your payouts to the LHV Entrepreneur account, please choose the Company contract to sign. Enter the following details into concrete fields:
Company name: LHV Ettevõtluskonto
Registry number: your ID code
Address: your actual contact address
Member board: your name as it is written on your ID or working permit

What are the valid permits to become a Wolt Partner?
You need a valid permit uploaded to the system for you to start delivering as a courier partner in Wolt. Most recent information can be found on the PPA page.
If you would like to start, you would need to send us a photocopy of either:
1) an EU passport or ID card;
2) a valid residence/working permit issued by Estonian Police and Border Guard Board;
3) a valid registration of short-term employment (LTR) - NB! Only possible with a company contract with the same company that you have the registration with!;
4) proof that you are a management board member of a company which is obtainable from e-Business register. NB! Only possible with a company contract with the same company that you are the management board member of!
D-visa is not a valid permit to start as a courier partner!
PS! If you arrived in Estonia from Ukraine on 24 February 2022 or later, you have the right to apply for temporary protection. Read more from the website: To apply for temporary protection, you must go to the service office of the Police and Border Guard Board. You have to book an appointment in advance at